Min Young Kim
1. Publication
M. Y. Kim, S. J. Park, G.-Y. Kim, S.-Y. Choi & H. Jin, Designing efficient spin Seebeck-based thermoelectric devices via simultaneous optimization of bulk and interface properties, Energy & Environmental Science, 14, 3480-3491, 2021.
M. Y. Kim, S. J. Park & H. Jin, Enhancing the spin Seebeck effect by controlling interface condition in Pt/polycrystalline nickel ferrite slabs, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, 085105, 2020.
2. Presentation
“Efficiency enhancement of spin based thermoelectrics via length scale tuning", The Korean Society Mechanical Engineers (KSME) - Thermal Engineering, Jeju, Korea, April, 2018.
“Efficiency enhancement of spin based thermoelectrics via separation of phonon and magnon currents", 2018 Spin Caloritronics IX conference (TML) Columbus, Ohio, USA, June, 2018.
“Efficiency enhancement of spin based thermoelectrics via separation of phonon and magnon currents", The 38th International Conference on Thermoelectrics and The 4th Asian conference on Thermoelectrics, Korea, July, 2019.
"High thermoelectric performance of transition-metal (Fe and Co) and Al co-doped higher manganese silicide", The Korean Society Mechanical Engineers (KSME), online, December, 2020.